HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at London, UK or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of Global Conference on

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

September 15-17, 2025 | London, UK

GCPR 2025

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgia Encephalomyelitis: A literature review on management principles and emerging therapies

Speaker at Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2025 - Vaidya Balasubramaniam
The Wollongong Hospital (ISLHD), Australia
Title : Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgia Encephalomyelitis: A literature review on management principles and emerging therapies


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgia Encephalomyelitis (ME), is characterized by severe, persistent fatigue lasting more than six months, which is not alleviated by rest and significantly reduces previous levels of activity (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2023). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) criteria require the presence of post-exertional malaise (PEM), unrefreshing sleep, and either cognitive impairment or orthostatic intolerance (CDC, 2023).

The etiology of CFS/ME is multifactorial, involving genetic predisposition, infections, immune system dysfunction, endocrine system abnormalities, and psychological factors (MSD Manuals, 2023; Verywell Health, 2023). Pathogenesis includes neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and gut microbiome alterations (Oxford Academic, 2023; Springer, 2023). Effective symptom management includes pacing and energy management, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), symptom-specific medications, diet and nutrition, physical therapy, sleep hygiene, stress management, support systems, assistive devices, and regular medical check-ups (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE], 2023; National et al. [NHS], 2023; Verywell Health, 2023; Sleep Foundation, 2023). Rehabilitation focuses on pacing and energy management, CBT, graded exercise therapy (GET), symptom management, psychological support, and a multidisciplinary approach (NICE, 2023; BMJ, 2023). Emerging therapies like neuromodulation and ongoing pharmacological research are also being explored (Cambridge et al., 2023).


Vaidya Bala is a Senior Staff Specialist Consultant in Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Medicine at the Rehabilitation Units in Port Kembla and Wollongong hospitals, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD). His qualifications include MBBS, FAFRM(RACP), Fellow of the European Stroke Council, Certified Independent Medical Examiner, Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education and Leadership, Associate Fellowship with Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators. He is currently the Clinical Lead in Neurological Rehabilitation in ISLHD, Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong, Education Coordinator for Advanced training in Rehabilitation Medicine, Co-chair Pharmacy Committee and Senior Examiner FAFRM(RACP).
Clinical Lead in Neurological Rehabilitation ISLHD. Senior Staff Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine ISLHD.Honorary Senior Lecturer UOW. Vising Medical officer Shellharbour Private Hospital. Education coordinator for Advanced training in Rehabilitation Medicine-ISLHD. Co-Chair Pharmacy committee-ISLHD. Senior examiner FAFRM(RACP) court of examiners.

Affiliations: Royal Australasian college of Physicians-Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Fellow of European Stroke council. Member-European Society of Obesity Medicine. Members I-international Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ISPRM). Member-RMSANZ-Rehabilitation membership in Australia and New Zealand. Member – Academy of Medical Educators University of Dundee
Certification: Fellow of the Royal Australasian college of Physicians with Faculyty in Rehabilitation Medicine. Bachelor of medicine and Surgery. Certification in use of Trans cranial Magnetic stimulation. Certified Independent Medical examiner. Certified Botulinum toxin injector. Botulinum toxin injection for Migraine Headaches-training under Prof Richard Stark. Ultrasound guided injector-Australian Society of Imaging. Basics of Health Economics-Monash Institute of Health service research-2002. Conducting Literature Reviews-Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, MIHSR-2002. Research Methodology-Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, MIHSR-2002.
Accomplishments: Developed a novel Model of care along with a team called I-MAP as Integrated Movement disorders program for ISLHD 2022-2023. Developed a model of care clinic to manage patients with Mild traumatic brain injury and Whiplash associated disorders at Illawarra Brain injury services.2021. AFRM -RACP Virtual site accreditation committee member for Site accreditation of Rehabilitation facilities in Australia and New Zealand. Written policy on Opioids and Safe driving-Austin department of Pain Medicine. Recipient of AFRM Bruce Ford Scholarship 2005. Recipient of European Obesity Medicine Scholarship 2019. Assisted in redevelopment of curriculum and syllabus for Undergraduate core unitsin aged care, Rehabilitation Medicine with DEAKIN University 2014-2015.
Quality and Accreditations: Site accreditation committee member. Virtual site-accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Accreditation of Rehabilitation Registrar training and reports to Committee. Medical Advisory Committee member at Shellharbour Private Hospital. Review of IBIS Performance indicators. Co-Chair ISLHD Pharmacy committee.
