Title: Treatment of chronic muscle spasm and pain with the CMECD® procedure
Title: Occupational therapy’s role in treating (SCI) subtle cognitive impairments
Title: When evidence or experience isn’t there: the importance of the client in ‘evidence-based practice’
Title: Descriptive case study of an atypical fracture presentation in a postmenopausal lady with groin pain
Title: Pulmonary rehabilitation in older patients with asthma
Title: Management of musculoskeletal pain: An update with emphasis on chronic musculoskeletal pain
Title: Role of biofeedback pelvic floor training in elderly patients with obstructed defecation
Title: Autologous stem cell infusion in COPD patients: Impact on quality of life and physical performance
Title: Treatment of headache by physios: No more a headache for physios
Title: Assessment of the therapeutic effect of physical modalities
Title: Rehabilitation services in South Africa: Capacity and innovation for strengthening services
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