Prof. El-Tallawy studied at both Minia and Cairo University, Egypt. He completed his 1st MSc in the year 1989 in Anesthesia, 2nd MSc 1996: Pain Management and MD: 1995: Anesthesia and Pain Management. He worked in both Minia and Cairo Universities, Egypt from 1985 - Now, In King Saud University as a locum (part time from 2011–2023). He has more than 48 published articles in SCI/E Journals. He presented more than 60 presentations in national and international conferences. Reviewer and editor of many medical journals.He jointed the following: - IASP member from 1992 – now,WIP, ASPRIRE research group for improving postoperative pain from 2017–2022, Middleast advisory board for pain from 2004-now, NEMA Research institute from: 2018-now and others.
Title : Management of musculoskeletal pain: An update with emphasis on chronic musculoskeletal pain