The goal of Integrated Physical Medicine is to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms of an injury or disease. It focuses on whole-person healing in order to provide the greatest potential results for each patient's rehabilitation and long-term health. To address the most pressing issues, integrated physical medicine goes beyond typical chiropractic treatments. Following the treatment of present health problems, integrated medicine focuses on reducing the likelihood of reoccurring symptoms and preventing harm and disease. Integrative physical therapy is a type of physical therapy that focuses on treating the whole person, addressing root dysfunctions, enhancing the body's self-healing processes, controlling the stress response, and paying particular attention to the mind-body-spirit link.
Title : Exploring the use of technology in inpatient rehabilitation hospitals
Elissa Charbonneau, Encompass Health, United States
Title : Best practice guidelines for the use of pharmacological neuromodulation in disorders of diminished motivation: A comprehensive approach
Vaidya Balasubramaniam, The Wollongong Hospital (ISLHD), Australia
Title : Hurt doesn’t always equal harm: The brain story of chronic pain
Rachid El Khoury, Saint Joseph University , Saudi Arabia
Title : Disorders of diminished motivation: Diagnosis, assessment treatment and emerging treatment options: A rehabilitation perspective
Vaidya Balasubramaniam, The Wollongong Hospital (ISLHD), Australia
Title : Pharmacologic approaches to attention and alertness after traumatic brain injury
Mel Glenn, Harvard Medical School, United States
Title : Physical therapy modalities and its effect in cosmetology clients treatment
Elizabeta Popova Ramova, MIT University, Republic of North Macedonia