Physical inactivity, is a leading cause or contributor to a number of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive impairment. It also raises your chances of developing pain issues like back pain, arthritis, and chronic pain. Physical therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, ranging from small aches and pains to significant injuries or surgery, as well as the progressive breakdowns of the human body. Pain relief, inflammation reduction, improved mood, anxiety reduction, and fatigue reduction are all benefits of rehabilitation exercise. It also helps with balance, falls prevention, and sleep quality. It relaxes muscles, aids focus, strengthens the immune system, and enhances bone health and sleep. The issue is that pain can be a huge deterrent to individuals exercising. Pain can also limit a person's ability to accomplish things that are important to them, such as playing with their children, engaging in physical activity, participating in sports, working, socialising, and doing housework. This, in turn, can have an impact on a person's physical and mental health. Physical inactivity, on the other hand, is a leading cause or contributor to a number of chronic diseases, including type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive impairment. It also raises your chances of developing pain issues like back pain, arthritis, and chronic pain.
Title : Exploring the use of technology in inpatient rehabilitation hospitals
Elissa Charbonneau, Encompass Health, United States
Title : Treatment of chronic muscle spasm and pain with the CMECD® procedure
Roger H Coletti, Interventional Health, United States
Title : The technology we have, the technology we use, the technology we want
Marcia J Scherer, Institute for Matching Person and Technology, United States
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Vaidya Balasubramaniam, The Wollongong Hospital (ISLHD), Australia
Title : Integrating holistic early rehabilitation in acute care: Evidence-Based strategies for enhancing patient outcomes and optimizing costs
Archana Vatwani, Old Dominion University, United States
Title : Indications for Shockwave in Teenage Athletes
Jay Spector, American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM), United States